Building Community:


Inside & Out


Christ’s call to the church today echos his call to the first disciples: Go and share the good news of hope, meaning, and connection. Answering this call requires the courage to listen to the desperate cries of our society and to meet them where they are. It is our moment to respond to the call for our generation.


For decades, the relevance of the traditional church model has faced significant scrutiny. Once, simply having a sanctuary, classrooms, and teachers filled the church on Sunday mornings. Today, this model seldom appeals to families overwhelmed by busy schedules and the demands placed on them. Additionally, the breakdown of the family structure due to extended families being dispersed across vast geographical distances has become a widespread crisis. People are yearning for more than what our everyday routine provides.


The Bible is filled with powerful accounts of individuals responding to God’s call to step out in faith. These narratives, alongside those of generations before us, demonstrate that when people act in unreasonable faith, remarkable things occur. Conversely, focusing on personal desires and self-preservation only leads to stagnation and irrelevance.


We want to respond boldly to God's call in our time. It is a well known fact that we are more than mind or body or spirit. True health vitality involves strengthening all three. Our campus provides good space for two of those three. First Presbyterian Church is committed to addressing the needs of our church and community by taking bold steps to finally realize long-held dream of building a family life center.


  1. 1. Increased Attendance:
    1. •Can boost church attendance by 10-20% (Lifeway Research)
    2. •Attracting new members and keeping existing ones engaged through diverse programs
  2. 2. Improved Community Engagement:
    1. •Sports leagues and after-school programs increase community involvement by 15-25% (Hartford Institute)
    2. •Make the church a local hub
  3. 3. Enhanced Programs:
    1. •Program offerings grow by 20-30% Benefit youth groups, adult education, and fitness activities (Lifeway Research)
  4. 4. Member Retention:
    1. •Diverse offerings help improve retention by 10-20% (Barna Group)
  5. 6. Facility Utilization:
    1. •Well managed centers are typically in use for 50+ hours weekly (The National Association of Church Design Builders)


• Sports and Recreation: Hosting basketball, volleyball, pickleball, Upward Sports, or fitness classes.

• Youth Programs: Large youth group meetings, summer camps, and retreats.

• Community Outreach: Offering after-school programs, community events, or fitness initiatives.

• Classes and Workshops: Space for financial literacy, health, or spiritual development classes.

• Large Church Events: Hosting bigger church events or conferences where a gymnasium setting works well.

• Exercise and Health Programs: Yoga, aerobics, senior fitness programs, etc.

• Emergency shelter.


  1. · We are proposing a facility that is approximately 13,000 square feet that will service as a multipurpose facility
  2. · Full-size basketball court with adjacent kitchen flexible to commercial if needed, large storage area on Bailey Circle side of building, showers (optional) and restrooms
  3. · Gym can be used for one full-sized basketball court, four pickleball courts, two volleyball courts, and a walking track around. 


  • PRAY:  Unlike secular fundraising drives, our entire campaign is founded on prayer. Our primary goal for the campaign is to have every member of the church pray the following prayer consistently from today until Commitment Sunday, April 13:  “Dear Lord, What would you do through me to accomplish your vision for our Church? Help me discern a sacrifice that is meaningful and joyful for you and me.” 
  • 20-DAY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE:  These devotions aim to provide you with Biblical encouragement and guidance as you pray the campaign prayer. Get a copy of a devotion book at church or request a copy from the church office. Read one devotion each day throughout the campaign. If others are in your household, discuss the devotions together with them. We believe these devotions can bless you far beyond the scope of this campaign.
  • Join us for the April 13 Celebration Event